The Floor One Demo has just released! View the changelog here!

I was almost an hour behind my initial planned time to release this demo, but it's here now and...
I've got alot of stuff to add to this changelog, so lets get to it!
- Added in the Baldi's Basics Plus Baldi "jumpscare" to the school only
- This can be toggled on or off for me in the Unity editor
- This may become a setting in the options menu at a much later date... (I won't make any sort of promises on that one)
- Refactored the code used to manage how Big Help saves the player
- He now drags the player to his Bunker, and no longer teleports the player there instantly (just like how I originally intended)
- Along with the new functionality, he now has several new voicelines (except for the scream, which I have sadly removed as it was too weird for my liking!! I may add it back in a later update though, something I'm considering)
- Mrs. Pomp's angry frames should no longer overlap her normal frames
- Mrs. Pomp's number voicelines should not repeat when she announces how much time you have left
- Mrs. Pomp's animations should be more accurate to Baldi's Basics Plus (even though I don't aim to recreate Baldi's Basics Plus at it's core)
Mrs. Pomp's classroom is now randomly selectedthis is to prevent repetitiveness in playthroughs- This change isn't really necessary until later in development, so I won't be doing too much regarding that in this update.
- You can now read the Books in Tobe's Place
- Note that not all of them are complete and will rely on later updates to be completely filled in
- The soundtest menu can now play sounds!
- Due to how early in development this mod is, it will only play about 10 or 20 sounds (likely around 15)
- I have completely overhauled the Soundtest menu's placeholder design! It now uses a more finalized design, if I grow to dislike it later on for some reason, I'll finetune the design! (it likely will stay the same though)
- Playtime's jump button is now the Left Mouse Button
- Playtime's jump gravity is now identical to Baldi's Basics Plus
- Fixed the bug that allowed you to pause the game while you were in the elevator screen
- this bug was originally introduced in the V1.8.5 demo, but I ended up fixing this in my Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered Recreation (which helped out a ton when I decided to come back to this mod as I knew I was ready to continue)
- Added a proper quick map
- Press TAB to toggle this in game
- Most immobilized objects like items, now use a shader to billboard towards the camera, rather than a script
- Shaders shouldn't cost that much performance as the script does, so running the script on only characters and not on objects like notebooks, items, and stationary interactible objects works great!
- Corrected the way the cursor snaps to some of the pixels on the title screen
- this change will be applied to everything in a later update, due to it not being a huge requirement!
- All custom items I've personally added, now have a more finalized design.
For any droppable items, once the item drop expires, the item drop will now fade away gradually, rather than immediately poof out of existenceI thought about this while messing around in gimp because it created a effect that was similar in old edutainment games like Roly-Polys no Nanakorobi Yaoki. Which utilized the same sort of effect.- This currently is broken, and won't be implemented until the next update releases!
- When you beat this demo... There are a few extra suprises I squished into this update at the last minute. Don't hesitate to find those too!
- Big Help keeping the player from getting detention is intentional, because he's meant to be helpful :P
- All custom items have been redesigned to fit with the art style of the game.
Known issues with this update
- The Principal may say the same voiceline twice when getting rid of It's a Bully.
- Ambient sounds are broken and won't be implemented until later in development (because I found this out during playtesting)
- Sometimes, things like trees and notebooks may disappear if you orient the player's camera enough. This is due to using a shader to billboard instead of script.
This demo doesn't contain any random events, this is because I want to add these in at a much later date, and remove all Baldi's Basics Plus random events, and replace them with my own. I've got a few random events in mind, these will not resemble the ones found in any of the other Baldi's Basics games though. Just a reminder before you begin to play the game.
Please keep in mind, any character that I plan to rewrite the functions of (besides Big Help, who I've already finished with (unless his function becomes buggy)), will not appear in this demo. This includes official characters, especially if they're buggy
This applies to the following characters:
- Susan
- Cheater (formerly "The Clapper")
- Angry Bill
- The Test
- Arts and Crafters
- Dusty
That's basically it!
While I said I was going to make Tobe's Place's music more dynamic, I haven't been able to find a system that actually works to do that. I want to be able to do that when I add in the other levels and create more characters! Expect to see more dynamic music in the future.
Now lets talk about a little bit of the things I want to try to do in the near future!
Plans for much later in development
- I plan to remake the challenge maps, and have them use their own unique maps instead of recycling maps from the main game, that was a mistake I made time and time again, and with the ability to pre-generate maps on the fly, this should no longer be an issue going forward.
- I also plan on redoing all of my custom character script (aside from Big Help, whose code I just tweaked to add his new mechanic)
- The Clapper (who most of you call "Doug") will no longer be The Clapper anymore after the next few updates, I plan to add his original math cheating function back, along with some other smaller features. He will also have a voice once that's done too!
- Dusty... we don't talk about him! I plan to redesign him anyway, as he's supposed to be the big brother to Big Help! I want his mechanic to feel more authentic to those weird 90s games, so he won't be in the game for a while until I come up with something feasible.
- Dusty is also supposed to be recieving new and improved voicelines as well! So let's forget I was lazy and didn't put any effort into the character functions!
- I want to also add in more decorative elements, those pole objects resemble that of sonic's schoolhouse, which is what I based it off of! However I feel as if I shouldn't stop there, I want to make more!
Thank you so much if you believed that this mod was going to become better, it actually feels alot better too! (I've even had people saying I should work with Basically Games... WEIRD! not like it'll happen though)
Anyway! Thanks for following development for almost over 2 years! I know I've put off working on this for a long time, but if I had continued alot earlier, it would've been a sloppy mess! So once again, thanks!
This may disappoint. But let's hope it doesn't!
Get Baldi's Basics Map Pack
Baldi's Basics Map Pack
A "map pack" for Baldi's Basics Classic, with tons of new things.
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