Breaking down 1.9.0 into a small description (Explaining why it's delayed + Removing the deadline I set as I most likely will not meet the deadline on time)

Explanation on development

So you are all probably wondering what's happening with Version 1.9, and why it's taking much longer to update and put out there for the rest of you. Well, unity (like always) decided to corrupt my test room for the game, meaning I would have to entirely create a brand new test room with a new layout. Perhaps I may make it a test school, everything will be dead though (No not literally) I mean everything will be all quiet and you can freely roam the hallways to your liking, Now I've added the infamous Look At Dude (Otherwise known as The Test) I was testing him in the test room and then I came up with an idea to fully make a Dither filter for the camera that the player uses to see, This dither filter allows for dithering fog to make it look weird, though I don't exactly like how the dithering effects everything including fog, so I may have to tweak that dither filter to only dither fog when it sees it (In a future update). Other than that, I've been hardly building levels and I will admit that. I just haven't been motivated enough but, I promise you once everything is the way I like it, I will release 1.9.0 will a bunch of improvements and tweaks along with bugfixes and major content updates!

Now lets get to answering this next question!

Why is it taking so long to update?

Well, I have other priorities to attend to before I can work on the mod itself. Therefore I have made a strict development schedule that runs on starting at 2 pm EST on my free days, and going to bed at normal time, or... 4 pm on my busy days where I have to do work before I can make more features in the mod.

What features do you currently have implemented or plan to implement in this update?

I plan to add a new character in this update so it's not entirely boring and the same. I also plan to remove obnoxious and noisy characters that can be heard everywhere (Yes that includes Susan, and she will be getting refactored code as well as the other *unofficial* characters I've added). I don't plan to spoil how the new character will look or what it will do sooo.... Once the update is ready you will have to discover how the character works and how to work around it so you can prepare yourself for when I add the level unlock feature (that won't come until I implement a save function). This new character is not The Test, but it is someone else though again I won't be spoiling or leaking any content, I have just barely started to design this character. (Lets move away from talking about the character) I've optimized code as well as removed duplicate code, so hopefully that reduces file size (I know the final product could potentially be 1.5GB or less so you better save some open space for that if you want the full mod.) and I've also fixed the principal so that you can entirely customize the teleportation parameters for being sent to detention in each level, though you can only edit the teleportation parameters in the editor and not through code. Along with fixing the principal's teleportation I have removed the duplicated principal code and now each principal will use the same script so now the principal whistle is guaranteed to work in each level. Also the principal will respond to you blowing your whistle and then speed up a little bit. Sounds fun huh? That's only the little changes, I have also been building new levels and I have finished the 3rd challenge map which means, I only have at least 2 more maps to go because I plan to finish Level 6 (AGAIN...) tomorrow. I also have been working on alternative assets for the game, so that when I do implement the spelling minigame it works neatly. This should greatly change the gameplay as for now I will only allow you to collect at least one notebook and on the second one the minigame shows, The spelling minigame will not be in the game until version 2.1 is released. :P sorry for getting your hopes up if I did

Just take a look at this spritesheet though! 


That's going to be used to replace the smooth talk animations, seems kinda neat right?

Anymore things to share?

Nope! That's all! Until next time when I discuss how 2.0 will be! 

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